LSC-Enhancement Week 2015

De Montfort University and affiliated colleges are participating in Enhancement Week. An opportunity for students to attend seminars, field trips plus industry and employability advice sessions. W...

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4th November 2015 National Stress Awareness Day (NSAD) You can find lots of information and free resources at the official website: International Stress Management Association (ISMA). There...

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LSC – Student Support Review

Hi, I'm Maddy and I received Study Skills and Mentoring support whilst I studied at DeMontfort University, I graduated with a First Class Honours degree. This blog is a review of the support that ...

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LSC- Opportunity for Students

  The Learning Support Centre have been asked to share the following exciting business opportunity to our students and clients: Getting Investment Banking takes place next Tuesday. Thi...

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World Mental Health Day

Saturday October 10th 2015 World Mental Health Day  Did you know that 154 million people worldwide suffer from depression? World Mental Health Day is hosted by the World Health Organisation ...

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out of the box

National Poetry Day

8th October 2015 National Poetry Day National Poetry Day was founded in 1994 by William Sieghart, and is now in it's 21st year. From 1999 onwards, National Poetry Day has had a theme, the them...

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