National Poetry Day


8th October 2015 National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day was founded in 1994 by William Sieghart, and is now in it’s 21st year. From 1999 onwards, National Poetry Day has had a theme, the theme is not strict but the idea of having one is to provide inspiration.

2014: Remember
2013: Water, water everywhere
2012: Stars
2011: Games
2010: Home
2009: Heroes and Heroines
2008: Work
2007: Dreams
2006: Identity
2005: The Future
2004: Food
2003: Britain
2002: Celebration
2001: Journeys
2000: Fresh Voices
1999: Song Lyrics

The theme is this year’s National Poetry Day is Light.

“The Sun Never Says Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky” Hafez

If you would like to get involved use #nationalpoetryday #thinkofapoem

Here is the link to a wonderful anthology of poems all related to this year’s theme

Happy reading 🙂