On February 4th 2015, we published a blog about our care provision, LSC Care. As part of ongoing professional development we undertake observations of our Personal Assistants and Study Skills tutors.
Our care co-coordinator Amy, carries out observations twice a year to ensure a quality service is maintained at all times. Because personal assistance takes place in the student’s halls of residence as well as on campus it is important to observe correct protocol is being carried out. LSC Care fits in line with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) standards via the use of latex gloves, aprons and shoe covers.
Students Study Skills sessions are observed annually by a member of the management team. Students are contacted for consent beforehand so that they know their session will be observed.
The main purpose of observations is to establish what we are doing well, and if there’s anything that we could improve on. We can build on the skills we have and can work towards improving anything that needs attention.
Observations also give students the opportunity to feedback any comments or concerns. Our Study Skills tutors and Personal Assistants meet with their line managers after the observations have taken place for praise, evaluation and guidance.