Specialist Study Skills

Our team of specialist Study Skills tutors understand how you learn and potential barriers to learning; their support will enable you to fulfill your potential. Our tutors are qualified and have experience supporting learners who have specific learning differences (including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia), physical disabilities, visual or auditory impairments, Autistic Spectrum Disorders or mental health issues.

Your support

Your support is tailored to your individual learning styles and needs. It is delivered on a one-to-one basis to develop core study skills and competencies, to support you with independent skills and strategies for life.

We can help you develop your academic skills and confidence in areas such as:

  • Planning and organisation
  • Time management
  • Action planning and target setting
  • Reading and research techniques
  • Academic writing skills
  • Procrastination, how to get started
  • Develop spelling lists
  • Proof reading techniques
  • Referencing
  • Revision strategies
  • Work output and delivery
  • Presentation skills

We will keep in touch to ensure that you are happy with the support you are receiving.

When and where?

We want you to be able to access your support when and where it is right for you, so your support can be delivered in person on campus, at work or virtually via email, telephone or Skype, 9am to 9pm 7 days a week.


Study skills tuition is usually funded through the Disabled Students’ Allowances but some people can use direct payments or pay privately. If you use our service we will deal with all the employment issues so you will not have to worry about recruitment and payment of tax and national insurance.

Find out if you are eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowances.