Supporting our children from home during the Corona Virus Crisis



Supporting our children from home during the Corona Virus Crisis

As I sat down on mothering Sunday to put my children’s new home-schooling timetable together, and pull the resources shared by my youngest (7yrs) primary school, my eldest’s (12yrs) high school and multiple teaching friends working flat out across the world. I became overwhelmed, I felt grief for the teachers who will never see my daughters complete their school year and disappointed for my daughters who will miss out on the valuable interactions with their friends and teachers. In my memories it is those interactions that enriched my education.

I felt a sudden rush of overwhelming pressure as a parent to keep my girls safe in a world that is seemingly falling apart. I took myself to the bathroom for a little cry (it was more like a big cry) and then pulled myself together, I reminded myself how supportive  both schools are and I know my family can deal with this. We are resilient and strong.

On Tuesday afternoon on our new timetable I have put in Citizenship/PHSCE session. I had a brainwave, I decided we would focus on ‘coping with change’. Whilst googling for resources I discovered this link on the Child Mind website, Supporting Kids During the Coronavirus Crisis and thought I would share a few points I found useful.


  • Keep the news to a minimum
  • Keep in touch with grandparents and family via facetime or skype
  • Try and maintain a routine
  • Be positive – don’t let your children see your fear
  • Don’t hide what’s going on from your kids but keep it simple
  • Let the kids facetime their friends
  • Keep talking to your kids and checking in with them
  • If you need help, ask. We all need help at some point.

I often remind myself that it is important that I look after myself, to be able to support my children, my husband, my family and friends, my employees and my clients. So, look after yourself too at this challenging time.

I decided for the Citizenship/PHSCE session I will arrange for my children to facetime their friends, I am confident that’s an activity that will help them cope rather than a video and question sheet on coping with change.

Keep talking and stay safe.


Laura Cook, Managing Director, The Learning Support Centre

Resources to support your children’s learning that I have tried and can vouch for.