My name is Mala Chohan and I work for The Learning support Centre as a Support Coordinator. I am writing a blog to share that I am travelling to volunteer in Cambodia this summer, June 27th 2016. As well as volunteering in Cambodia I am travelling to Singapore and Kuala Lumper. This will be first experience of providing volunteering support abroad, I am very excited but a little nervous as the date approaches!
As part of my visit to Cambodia, I am helping to teach some of the poorest local children to learn English. The taught English sessions an hour long and are from 1pm to 6.30pm and classes are divided into ability in English so the age range is slightly different for each class. Due my background and the experiences that I have gained whilst working at The Learning Support Centre, I will also be providing some information and training on Disability and Mental Health awareness to staff and other volunteers within the project. I am looking forward to the trip and more importantly to share my knowledge on the various different support strategies we implement for all the different types of support we provide at The Learning Support Centre, these vary from note taking support, one to one mentoring, study assistant support, Study skills to name a few.
Furthermore, I am will be assisting at one or two of the local orphanages and helping with after school and free time activities with the children, from arts and crafts, dance and outdoor activities. I am hoping to gain a real insight to the student’s day to day experiences, as I am going to be living and working within the wider communities and, I will be involved in some wider projects with other various charities within Cambodia.
As part of my visit I am fundraising to raise some money to take books, stationary and reading material as well as children’s uniform.
I am also holding a tea party at the start of June, this will be an opportunity to raise some money and hopefully raise enough money to buy some special treats for the community I am visiting.
I have set up a twitter page: Mala@MalainCambodia so please follow me on my journey!
To see how the Learning Support Centre can help you with your journey
Written by
Mala Chohan