Learning Support Centre – Parent Testimonial

children education

We have been lucky enough to receive some encouraging feedback from the parent of one of our students who has Asperger’s syndrome and has received specialist support whilst at De Montfort University.

“Throughout talks and meetings prior to starting university to those first fraught weeks, to the years that have rolled by the Learning Support Centre have ALWAYS been there to support US as a ‘WHOLE FAMILY’ and at the same time treated our young adult as an ‘INDIVIDUAL’.

For us the Learning Support Centre have offered:

> Honesty on what they can do and what they cannot

> They have empathy in spades (something lots of people fail to have but not at LSC)

> Always treat the young adult as an individual but mindful of what parents have said

> Provided safety, comfort and security to the student and the family

> Excellent communications skills with whoever they are dealing with (so important)

> Always willing to try and go above and beyond whatever the difficulty might be

> Great at solving issues

> Always working hard to help the young adult to achieve their goals

Our journey with LSC has been an overwhelming positive one from start to finish. We have felt we have been in safe hands. We cannot thank the support staff and office staff enough for making our journey through university less stressful and anxious for us all. We will be recommending LSC to other families.”