Experiences of our student in print

The Learning Support Centre and Jotters have been providing Note-Taking and Study Skills support to English and Creative Writing student Kelly Davies during her first semester at DeMontfort University in Leicester. Kelly decided to write a survival guide to document her experiences as a student so far.
The book is called ‘What is in that drink?’ My 1st Term of university survival guide: Part 1: Before you go’ which is available to download from Amazon (which in itself is a great idea because it’s immediately accessible).
Kelly’s views are written in an amusing way which will appeal to students. I enjoyed the ‘no frills’ approach she has taken and my first thought when reading it was “wow, this is honest!”
Kelly dedicates a paragraph to Disabled Student Allowances (DSA) and her gratitude for the additional support resonates. Kelly herself has autism which can make picking up on social cues difficult. ‘What is in that drink?’ is not written from the point of view of someone who is autistic although Kelly does reference being in receipt of DSA early on.