Eating Disorder Awareness Week (26th February – 4th March)
Eating Disorders Awareness Week is an international awareness event, fighting the myths and misunderstandings that surround anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating disorder and EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified).
What is an eating disorder?
An eating disorder is a medical diagnosis based on your eating patterns and medical tests on your weight, blood and body mass index (BMI).
Food is one of the many channels in which we can express our emotions and distress. Therefore, our relationship with food can have an impact on our mental health. Some people may experience more than one eating disorder and it can be hard to categorise. Despite not having a specific diagnosis, it is helpful to understand some of the feelings and behaviours that can be associated with specific eating disorders.
How you might feel:
Some may experience the following emotions, if you do it is important you seek for help.
- ashamed and guilty
- that you hate your body or that you are fat
- scared of being found out by family and friends
- depressed or anxious
- lonely, especially if no one knows about your eating problems
- very low and upset
- like your mood changes quickly or suddenly
- like you’re stuck in a cycle of feeling out of control and trying to get control back
- numb, like feelings are blocked out by bingeing or purging.
Why Wait?
This year, during Eating Disorders Awareness Week, we’ll be asking the question ‘Why Wait?’
On average, 149 weeks pass before those experiencing eating disorder symptoms seek help. That’s almost three years, 37 months or 1,043 days.
We know the sooner someone gets the treatment they need, the more likely they are to make a full and fast recovery. As well as campaigning to improve the services available, we recognise that we must raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder and encourage and empower people to take action now, no matter how long their symptoms have been present.
Click here for some useful links
The Learning Support Centre: Empowering you to fulfil your potential