Our core values
This summer the management team have been busy utilising the summer period to review, review, review! We want to ensure all our support team feel fully supported to enable them to provide the best possible service to our clients. In July we reviewed our core values whilst getting crafty creating our own LSC mascots. Whilst creating our mascots we asked ourselves the question, what makes us what we are and how do we achieve this? After lots of discussion we decided on our companies 6 core values.
- Caring
- Inclusive
- Empowering
- Committed
- Diverse
- Supportive
Some of the comments of the day
“we don’t employee people we employ passion”.
“we talk regularly to people and encourage learning and development”
“we take the safety of our staff seriously, taking calls in our own time if required”
“our team are loyal”
“the MBTI development activities highlighted our strengths and weakness, our different backgrounds make us stronger”
“our focus is to ensure our clients build strategies to become independent, we are effectively working to do ourselves out of a job”
“all visitors are welcomed and always offered a drink”