To fly or not to fly an education.
As the Learning Support Centre considers its carbon footprint in our aim to achieve our third National Union of Students, Green Impact Award I am curious about how we can travel internationally in a greener fashion. The Guardians, Ducan Clark presents an interesting picture, in the above article. In summary the aviation industry reports flights are responsible for only 1.5-2% of Global co2 omissions but the actual figure is more likely to be nearer 20%. Most UK citizens fly once every 2 years, so it is the minority of people that fly regularly creating this huge carbon footprint.
Our government want to reduce the UKs carbon footprint by 80% by 2050 but is predicting a growth in flights which makes this aim hard to reconcile.
So what can we do? Here are 5 tips;
* Go by train if possible
* Fly in the day time
* Fly economy
* Take less baggage
* Holiday in the UK
The Learning Support Centre recommended this easy read for an education on living a low carbon, eco friendly life. Happy reading.