Personal Care Case Study

John James Entwistle

John James (JJ) studied for a degree in Politics at De Montfort University.

An image of a man with sight loss working at a Braille keyboard.

My story

“Hi, my name is JJ. I have no sight and a moderate hearing impediment along with a few other medical hick ups thrown in to keep myself and all on their toes. This is due to a very rare syndrome.

Since the age of 5 I have had a passion for politics and wanted to fight or change the way people see a disabled person.

I worked so hard to get the qualifications to gain a place a DMU and part of me thought, could I do the whole Uni thing being blind? 

I have a wide range of professional support available to me when I am on campus and at home in my halls of residence. These are Personal Assistants, Electronic Note-takers and Study Skills Tutors. This will continue throughout my time at University.

A Personal Assistant visits me every day of the week (Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.30am and 6.30pm), assisting with general activities such as food preparation and light domestic tasks, such as Laundry or shopping. Personal assistants also support me to navigate the local area.

I receive sighted guide support to all of my lectures, tutorials and seminars and electronic note taking support during my lectures, tutorials and seminar sessions.

One to one study skills support is provided to me on a weekly basis. These sessions enable me to identify any areas where I would benefit from personal development such as planning, assignment construction, organisation, timekeeping and revision strategies. A professional tutor assists me to improve on any areas identified.

One of the best things from support I receive from The LSC while at University is, they enable me to be as independent as possible. Also, my support workers understand that independence is important to me but will always assist if I ask for help if I am struggling with anything.”


“I have learnt so much, and I feel more confident supporting learners in this area of expertise.”

A head and shoulders profile photo.

Olivia Brown

“Always helpful, professional and with a keen interest in the individual.”

The Learning Support Centre logo with the words 'Neurodivergent and Disability Specialists'

Helen Garry

“The support I received exceeded my expectations. The methods I have learnt have allowed me to work faster and plan my work in a more effective manner.”

A head and shoulders profile photo.

Jane Smith