Note-takers, Orientation & Mobility Support

Academic Support Workers or Learning Support Assistants can support you with note taking, orientation, sighted assistance and mobility support.

Our Academic Support Workers / Learning Support Assistants have had specialist note taker training to ensure notes provided are of the highest standard. They also receive orientation training in supporting students with sight and/or hearing loss.

A close up of two open laptop computers with some paper notes in between and two pairs of hands working on the notes.

Your Support

For your support, we will:

  • Arrange a face to face meeting to discuss your support and individual preferences
  • Ask how you want your notes to be taken and formatted
  • Take handwritten notes unless typed notes are specified in your funding approval letter
  • Ensure all Academic Support Workers undertake a spelling test and written exercise at interview
  • Ensure all note takers are trained by an OCN note taker trainer
  • Ensure note takers submit sample notes each term so we can monitor the quality of the notes provided
  • Ask you for regular feedback on your support

When and where?

We will ask you to send us your timetable and highlight the sessions when you would like a note taker. Our Academic Support Workers discretely introduce themselves to the lecturer/teacher, take notes and hand them to you at the end of the session. It is your preference if you sit next to your note taker.

Our Academic Support Workers understand the importance of confidentiality and will not disclose any information about you or your support to your teaching staff or peers.

The support can be as discrete as you wish, for example, some of our students prefer notes to be scanned and emailed after the session.

Who do we support?

We support students in Further and Higher Education at college and university.


Academic Support Workers are usually funded through the Disabled Students’ Allowances or Access to Work but some people pay privately or are sponsored by their employer. If you use our service to access a support worker, we will invoice your funding body directly and deal with all the employment requirements of your support worker, such as recruitment, payment of tax and national insurance.


“I have learnt so much, and I feel more confident supporting learners in this area of expertise.”

A head and shoulders profile photo.

Olivia Brown

“Always helpful, professional and with a keen interest in the individual.”

The Learning Support Centre logo with the words 'Neurodivergent and Disability Specialists'

Helen Garry

“The support I received exceeded my expectations. The methods I have learnt have allowed me to work faster and plan my work in a more effective manner.”

A head and shoulders profile photo.

Jane Smith