Level 5 Diploma

for Teaching Learners with Dyslexia, Specific Learning Differences & Barriers to Literacy


Applications now open for February 2025 start!

A group of people in a meeting room looking at an open laptop on the table
The Ofqual logo in grey with a green line underneath. The Gateway qualifications logo with purple text and a large green 'g'.

The Level 5 Diploma for Teaching Learners with Dyslexia, Specific Learning Differences and Barriers to Literacy will:

  • Develop candidates’ understanding of Specific Learning Differences and how they can impact on learning and cognition
  • Develop candidates’ understanding of the context of learning and of the national and regional policies which affect SEN and Equality policies and provision within their own workplace
  • Develop candidates’ ability to identify and assess the needs of learners with specific learning differences, using observation and evidence-based assessment
  • Develop candidates’ ability to plan, deliver, review and evaluate effective teaching programmes for learners with specific learning differences, in individual and small group settings
  • Plan, deliver and evaluate programmes which include both literacy and numeracy, and understand how difficulties with language and literacy will affect the development of numeracy skills
  • Develop candidates’ ability to work with others in supporting learners with Specific Learning Differences
  • Develop candidates’ professional values and commitment to professional standards.

Course Structure

The next cohort starts on 24th February 2025 and runs for 12 months, with contact time on a Monday 6.30-8.30pm online for 30 weeks.

The course is ideally structured to ensure learners achieve a positive learning experience and provides one-to one tutor support and opportunities for candidates to network with colleagues and experience up to date knowledge on assistive technology and strategies being used by professionals currently working in the sector. 

Enrolment is from February 2025 with completion in March 2026. Places are limited so please contact us as soon as possible to book your place.

The following cohort will be starting in September 2025.

A man with glasses sitting at a laptop with a coffee cup on the table. He has a phone in one hand and is giving a thumbs up with the other.

Pre-requisites for the course

Candidates will be asked to complete an application form, which includes confirming qualifications and documents specified as entry requirements of the course:

  • Photo identification e.g. passport or photo driving licence
  • Current DBS certificate or registration with the DBS update service
  • Level 2 English and Maths (e.g. GCSE grade A-C) or equivalent
  • Level 4 teaching or training qualification
  • Education to degree level or equivalent
  • Experience working in an educational setting.

Candidates who are accepted onto the course and invited for enrolment must provide evidence of their qualifications and produce their documents at that stage.

The Learning Support Centre promotes open access to all qualifications. Candidates who do not have a professional background in education and learning support may find it difficult to access opportunities to generate the full range of evidence required to achieve this qualification. Please contact us prior to application if you have concerns about meeting the pre-requisites of the course.

A group of men and women standing around a desk looking at two laptops.

Course fees

Level 5 Diploma

£2800 Inclusive of VAT

We also offer training on other specialisms:
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Disability support practitioner
  • Electronic note taking
  • Manual note taking
  • Mental health conditions
  • Visual impairment and sighted guide support

“I have learnt so much, and I feel more confident supporting learners in this area of expertise.”

A head and shoulders profile photo.

Olivia Brown

“Always helpful, professional and with a keen interest in the individual.”

The Learning Support Centre logo with the words 'Neurodivergent and Disability Specialists'

Helen Garry

“The support I received exceeded my expectations. The methods I have learnt have allowed me to work faster and plan my work in a more effective manner.”

A head and shoulders profile photo.

Jane Smith

Request application form

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